18th-23rd August 2024

International Society of Burn Injuries & The British Burn Association Conference 2024

Sponsored by Moor International Ltd, Dan’s Fund For Burns was invited to speak at the ISBI/BBA in the session on “How the World Supports Burn Survivors.

Our wonderful friends at Moor, suppliers of Laser Doppler Machines, were kind enough to host us again at the International Society of Burn Injuries & The British Burn Association conference.  Thank you.

This year was the turn for the global burns conference whereby burn clinicians come together and share their knowledge, brainstorm and work together to help burn injuries across the world.

We were delighted to be asked to speak with Jo from The Childrens’s Burns Trust and Kate from The Katie Piper Foundation on how the three burns charities work in the UK.  This was followed by talks from the USA & Africa.

It is always a fabulous time to catch up with burn professionals on projects we are currently working on with them, brainstorming ideas for future projects and more generally keeping up to date on the latest burn care products, surgical techniques and prevention ideas.

Dan's Fund For Burns

Other news

Dans Fund donates 8 LPG machines to UK burn centres

Dan's Fund For Burns donates eight LPG machines to major burn centres across the UK.

BBA Dublin 2023

Dan's Fund was delighted to join Moor Instruments Ltd again at the British Burns Association Conference this June
Dan's Fund For Burns